My Heat Pump in Crawfordville, FL Blows Cool Air in Heating Mode
If you have your heat pump set to heating mode but you find that it’s blowing cool air, you’re probably wondering what the heck is going on with it. While the problem will almost certainly require the experience of a professional HVAC tech in Crawfordville, FL, you can rest assured that the problem is not that uncommon. Here are some reasons your heat pump is blowing cool air in heating mode.
It’s All Relative
Sometimes homeowners simply expect a higher temperature than the heat pump can produce. If homeowners usually have a furnace that emits very hot air, they might think that the 80 to 90 degrees your system produces isn’t very warm, even though it’s more than enough to heat a room or home.
It’s Defrosting
Since many heat pumps work like reverse air conditioners, they’ll also have a defrost mode that they automatically go into when their outside hardware needs to melt ice. This will blow cooler air than homeowners might be expecting. If it’s not in defrost mode and still blowing cool air, please call our team.
Low Refrigerant
The refrigerant is the substance within a heat pump that performs the heating or cooling that the thermostat is asking for. If you’re low on refrigerant, it means there’s a leak somewhere because refrigerant circulates in a closed-loop system.
Incorrect Fan Setting
It might seem counterintuitive, but it’s better to turn the fan from the “on” setting to the “auto” setting. This is because a fan that’s constantly running will blow air whether the house is warm or not.
If your heat pump troubles don’t have a simple solution and you’d like to schedule heating repair services, call in the pros at Advanced Air Care Heating & Cooling in Crawfordville, FL. We’ll do all we can to repair your heat pump ASAP.
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